The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) is an organization of approximately 30,000 l...
The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) is an organization of approximately 30,000 licensed physicians, medical residents, and medical students in New York State. Members participate in both the state society and in their local county medical societies. MSSNY is a non-profit organization committed to representing the medical profession as a whole and advocating health related rights, responsibilities and issues. MSSNY strives to promote and maintain high standards in medical education and in the practice of medicine in an effort to ensure that quality medical care is available to the public.
The New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board (NYCIRB) is a non-profit, unincorporated associa...
The New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board (NYCIRB) is a non-profit, unincorporated association of insurance carriers, including the State Insurance Fund. In conjunction with the New York Workers' Compensation Law, the Insurance Law provides for the Superintendent of Insurance to designate a rate service organization to collect the loss, premium and payroll data from each carrier, summarize this information and develop an adequate rate structure. Since the enactment of the Workers' Compensation Law in 1914, the NYCIRB has been licensed as the official organization for this purpose. As the New York rate service organization with a single dedication and focus, the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board has more than 100 years of experience in understanding the workers compensation insurance coverage and underwriting of the New York market.
The New York State Osteopathic Medical Society is the non-profit professional association represe...
The New York State Osteopathic Medical Society is the non-profit professional association representing Osteopathic Physicians (D.O.’s) across the state of New York.
The New York State Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons (NYSSOS) is the premier organization represent...
The New York State Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons (NYSSOS) is the premier organization representing the orthopaedic community in New York. The Society serves orthopaedic specialists, subspecialists, fellows, residents and their patients by helping to create an optimal practice environment in which to provide quality and efficacious orthopaedic care.