The mission of the Mid-America Orthopaedic Association is to serve its members through outstandin...
The mission of the Mid-America Orthopaedic Association is to serve its members through outstanding educational and fellowship opportunities and to provide value-added services, at the annual meeting and throughout the year.
The Ohio Physical Therapy Association (OPTA) represents 3,500+ passionate physical therapy profes...
The Ohio Physical Therapy Association (OPTA) represents 3,500+ passionate physical therapy professionals in the state and was named the 2015 Outstanding Chapter of the Year by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Whether you're a physical therapist, a physical therapist assistant or a student of physical therapy, OPTA can help you improve the health and quality of life of individuals in society by advancing your practice, education and research.
The OSMA Alliance is a group of physician spouses dedicated to promoting the goals of both the OS...
The OSMA Alliance is a group of physician spouses dedicated to promoting the goals of both the OSMA and the American Medical Association (AMA). Our mission to educate, inform and support the medical family through health promotion, legislation and community service is ongoing throughout Ohio. On the national level the OSMA Alliance is affiliated with the AMA Alliance. We have been an active state alliance since 1940 and have local alliances representing 11 counties in Ohio at this time.